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St. Mina & St. Pope Kyrillos VI Coptic Orthodox Church

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Saint Mina the Wonder-worker
The holy, glorious and right-victorious Martyr Menas (or Mina; 285-309 A.D.), the Wonder-worker, is one of the most well known Egyptian saints in the East and the West, due to the many miracles that are performed through his intercessions. His feast day is celebrated on November 11 (or in the Coptic church on Hathor 15 (November 24)).

Saint Menas was born in Egypt in 285 A.D., in the city of Niceous (Nakiyos or Nikiu), which lies in the vicinity of Memphis. His parents were real ascetic Christians; his father's name was Audexios (or Eudoxius) and his mother's name was Aufimia (or Euphemia). On the feast of St. Mary, his mother who did not have any children was praying in front of the icon of the Virgin with tears that God would give her a blessed son. A sound came to her ears saying "Amen" and thus she called her son Menas.

His father, a ruler of one of the administrative divisions of Egypt, died when Menas was 14 years old. At the age of 15, Menas joined the army. He was given a high rank because of his father's reputation and was stationed in Algeria. Three years later he left the army longing to devote his whole life to Christ. He headed towards the desert to live a different kind of life.

After spending five years as a hermit, he saw in a revelation the angels crowning the martyrs with glamorous crowns, and longed to join those martyrs. While he was thinking about it, he heard a voice saying: "Blessed are you, Abba Menas, because you have been called for the pious life from your childhood. You shall be granted three immortal crowns; one because of your celibacy, the second because of your asceticism, and the third for your martyrdom."

Immediately he felt as if the earth under him was vanishing, and he was overwhelmed with great eagerness to be carried away to heavens. In a mood of valor he hurried to the ruler, declaring his Christian faith. The Governor ordered him to be tortured, but when he failed to turn him away from his faith, he sent him to his brother so that he might influence him but he also failed. Finally, the Governor ordered his head to be cut off, his body to be cast into a fire and his ashes to be scattered in the wind. The body remained in the fire for three days and three nights, but it was not damaged.

Please click here to read more about Saint Mina.
Saint Pope Kyrillos VI
Saint Pope Kyrillos VI was born Lazarus on August 2, 1912 from Christian parents. His father was a deacon who spend his spare time teaching and writing tunes hagiography. He loved the church and he was spending long hours in his room praying, and reading the Bible. Usually the whole family every year, spent one week in the town of Lapierre during the celebration of the Feast of Saint Mina.

When he was 25 years old, Lazarus quit his job and joined the monastery Baramus. The name was changed to the brother Mina, he was loved by all the monks for his care and help for the monks and elderly patients.

After the departure of the Patriarch Anba Yousab 115, and on April 19, 1959 the monk Mina was named Pope for the Coptic Church. On May 10, 1959 was the inauguration of the Good Shepherd monk Mina and changed his name to Pope Cyril VI.

As he became Pope, has not changed a thing in terms of the lifting of incense and praying at night and morning prayers and Mass daily, "The history of the church has no record of a person prayed Masses such as Pope Cyril who prayed about 12,000 Mass and this has not happened before in the history of the popes of Alexandria, or the world". He was marvelous in his prayers he trusted that God is able to solve all problems and he believed that the only way to resolve problems are masses and prayers not by human efforts.

Pope Kyrillos departed on March 9, 1971 and his body is found in the Holy Monastery of Saint Mina next to his beloved saint.

Dozens of books were written to record the miracles and apparitions of St. Pope Cyril VI of the many amazing before and after his departure in the inside and outside Egypt with the Copts and others.

Please click here to read more about Saint Pope Kyrillos VI

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