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St. Marina Coptic Orthodox Church

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The idea to establish our parish was conceived in 1997, to serve the Southern part of Orange County. Fr. Tadros Malaty served for a few months prior to the ordination of Fr. Bishoy Nabil Kamel. The first liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion, Fr. Felimon Mikhail, and Fr. Athanasius Ragheb on January 11th. 1997. A small building was purchased in April 1997, as the services continues, and as the Book of Acts mentions, the church grew daily in grace and number.

Our church was also blessed with the service of Fr. Gregory Bishay for the youth and Fr. Youssef Zaki for the Sunday School, along with the multitude of servants in education, deaconship, social services and social activities, and many others who have given their lives, and time to make the church of Saint Marina a wonderful home for many till today.

All of these services were blessed by the joining of many clergy over the years like Fr. Joseph Boules, Fr. John Paul (now Bishop Kyrillos), Fr. Mina Ghebrial, Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim, Fr Moses Samaan, Fr. Pimen Shenouda, Fr. Michael Fanous, and the ordination of Archdeacon Botros, and many visiting clergy who also and still have their effect in the growth of the church.

In addition, many reverend fathers who currently serve in the Diocese of Los Angeles, at one point, served at St. Marina prior to the calling of the priesthood - Fr. Gregory Bishay, Fr. Youssef Zaki, Fr. David Benjamin, Fr. Samuel Aiyad, and Fr. Michael Maximous.

In 2016, God blessed us with the establishment of the Irvine Rock Community Center (“the Rock”), in His name to present Christ to everyone in many aspects; spiritually, in recreation and sports, in wellness and fitness, to present a whole sound person, perfect in Christ.

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5 Wrigley Irvine Philadelphia, CA, USA, 92618

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