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Mars Repairs

Business Details

Mars Repairs is a company created by Danny Saborio in order to change the industry in many ways that matter. Consumerism in the U.S is extremely high. the throw away and replace culture has severely impacted the environment in negative ways. in addition, people are spending thousands of dollars on new devices every year. Something has to change.

Through educating our customers and providing repairing solutions we can extend the life of each device for additional 2+ years. this can slow down the rate of e-waste that is thrown into the planet dramatically. This will also allow customers to hold onto devices longer and keep more money in their pockets.

As we enter 2023, the recession will severely affect millions of Americans including businesses. Between massive lay-offs and prices of everyday items going up it is more important than ever to have affordable options. Comparing repair cost vs new product costs will clearly show that it can save you thousands if you repair instead of buy.

The repair industry in general also suffers from bad reputation where people are always defensive and have a fear or overpaying. Mars wants to help raise the standard with transparency and reliability. We feel that getting your devices repaired should be feel like a safe option. We want our clients to know we are there for them to repair their devices or to simply advise them on a more economical solution.

Mars Repairs is here to provide tech repair services and consultations to help as many people as we can.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States,

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